Friday, March 28, 2008

Homework Helpster Grade 5

Homework Helpster Grade 5
Published by Play Bac Publishing USA
ISBN: 978-1-60214-002-8, $12.95, 2007.
Reviewed by Reader Views Kids.

Are you smarter than a 5th grader? Or maybe you are a 5th grader that is being challenged by some of the concepts in your science, social studies, geography, math or language arts. Would you like to have a book in your house that will be like having your own personal tutor to help you along in 5th grade? Your help is all in one compact volume.

If you find yourself doing your homework and can't remember what an integer is...look it up. Whats the difference between igneous rocks, sedimentary or metamorphic rocks? This is an awesome resource for 5th graders. How do you do that multiplying fractions thing, its all here. Homonyms and Homographs are words that sound something like each other but are totally different things but why? The book comes with a built in stand so you can stand it up and it can accompany you while you are doing your homework. On one side of the pages are the subjects of social studies and math, just flip it over and you can research science and language arts.

My mother and I were both very excited when we found this book. She instantly thought this would be a great help to me. My mom sure was right! I really stink at math and with this handy book I am able to grasp difficult concepts more quickly. You don't have to just be looking for help to find something you can learn out of this. I think my mom has learned more things about these subjects just by having this book in the house maybe its just that she has forgotten some of these facts since she was in 5th grade. This is a must have resource for any kid who wants to succeed in 5th grade. You too can be smarter than all the other 5th graders!