Thursday, July 5, 2007

Three Grin Salad

Title: Three Grin Salad
Author: Aja King
Publisher: ICAN Press, 2006
ISBN 978-0-09780710-1-1

Are you a kid who is looking for a book about nutrition but don't want to be overloaded with all kinds of technical terms? If so, then "Three Grin Salad" is the perfect book for you. Aja King is a 10 year old girl who wants people to eat right. Within the pages of "Three Grin Salad" she tells of what she does or has lived. She offers many recipes of funny things and things like peace, joy and happy faces that will be sure to add to your smiles.

"Three Grin Salad" is awesome! It breaks down how healthy choices when it comes to eating can make all the difference in the world! There are pages for you to journal your own experiences and the illustrations are just so sweet. The expressions on the kids faces are often humorous. Its bright pages are very appealing. This book is very easy to read but offers a wealth of information and insight from a kid who is just like me.

I loved this book and think it is a must read for every child. Alot of girls get misinformation about what makes healthy living habits but Aja's book is here to help sort out the bad from the good. I can't wait till I can read another book by this fantastic kid author!